zewurdo2´s Match History

Match History Showing last 10 games

Champion Stats Farm Team Enemy Team Time
Pantheon Draft
Pantheon On Main
16/6/14 5.00 KDA 64 1.76 cs/m
36:17 Feb 19, 19:23:26
Ahri Draft
Ahri On Main
1/4/4 1.25 KDA 153 6.54 cs/m
23:24 Feb 17, 14:55:48
Ekko Draft
Ekko On Main
1/4/2 0.75 KDA 92 5.95 cs/m
15:27 Feb 13, 19:17:26

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About Me

looking for duo to troll and hf. I don't play ranked so don't ask to ranked with me often

Casual Player
Casual Player