xhte´s Match History

Match History Showing last 10 games

Champion Stats Farm Team Enemy Team Time
Aphelios Solo/Duo
Aphelios On Main
0/3/3 1.00 KDA 87 5.61 cs/m
15:31 May 21, 13:12:18
Caitlyn Solo/Duo
Caitlyn On Main
7/8/6 1.63 KDA 183 6.22 cs/m
29:24 May 16, 21:17:21
Vayne On Main
18/6/5 3.83 KDA 2 0.08 cs/m
25:43 May 16, 20:34:30
Pyke On Main
10/4/6 4.00 KDA 0 0.00 cs/m
21:11 May 16, 20:09:30
Lee Sin Solo/Duo
Lee Sin On Main
1/5/0 0.20 KDA 45 2.62 cs/m
17:10 May 15, 19:47:45
Nautilus Solo/Duo
Nautilus On Main
0/8/19 2.38 KDA 30 1.16 cs/m
25:58 May 14, 20:10:14
Nautilus Solo/Duo
Nautilus On Main
0/0/0 Perfect KDA 0 0.00 cs/m
01:44 May 12, 19:53:53
Sion Solo/Duo
Sion On Main
0/0/0 Perfect KDA 0 0.00 cs/m
03:51 May 08, 20:45:03
Caitlyn On Main
4/8/1 0.63 KDA 0 0.00 cs/m
20:45 May 07, 23:02:51
Trundle On Main
4/8/8 1.50 KDA 0 0.00 cs/m
21:41 May 07, 22:38:52

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About Me

🐀👋🏻 Sup, my name is Ellias (20yo) and I'm Support/Adc main. My best picks are Karma, Nautilius, Thresh, Aphelios and Varus I'm not egirl hunter or ****, If you are below the age of 17 please don't even bother contacting me. I don't really want to have a creep aura 🙏🏻 Btw i was professional Judo athlete and that's the most unique fact about me. My Discord: roxs42bb (Fun fact: It's the name of the biggest Planet)

Serious Player
Serious Player

My Interests Anime Music Pets