wookec´s Match History

Match History Showing last 10 games

Champion Stats Farm Team Enemy Team Time
Pantheon Solo/Duo
Pantheon On Main
9/10/10 1.90 KDA 166 4.99 cs/m
33:14 Feb 12, 02:37:41
Hecarim Solo/Duo
Hecarim On Main
4/5/0 0.80 KDA 63 3.97 cs/m
15:51 Feb 12, 02:15:36
Pantheon Solo/Duo
Pantheon On Main
6/10/1 0.70 KDA 116 4.98 cs/m
23:17 Feb 08, 15:14:56
Pantheon Solo/Duo
Pantheon On Main
0/0/0 Perfect KDA 0 0.00 cs/m
01:48 Feb 08, 15:04:07
Pantheon Flex
Pantheon On Main
7/8/6 1.63 KDA 157 5.45 cs/m
28:47 Feb 08, 14:23:34
Darius Flex
Darius On Main
3/9/3 0.67 KDA 162 5.97 cs/m
27:08 Feb 08, 13:44:09
Darius Solo/Duo
Darius On Main
9/7/1 1.43 KDA 179 5.66 cs/m
31:39 Feb 07, 21:22:37
Pantheon Solo/Duo
Pantheon On Main
10/12/3 1.08 KDA 139 3.89 cs/m
35:45 Feb 07, 20:38:54
Pantheon Solo/Duo
Pantheon On Main
3/0/1 Perfect KDA 106 6.88 cs/m
15:25 Feb 07, 19:45:31
Darius Solo/Duo
Darius On Main
2/0/0 Perfect KDA 32 5.85 cs/m
05:28 Feb 07, 19:33:45

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About Me

Top main, can play jg but im better toplaner. 15y/o peak plat 4 this season i live on a dorm - sorry if u hear some noise or people talking , can mute myself if that bothers u

Tryhard Player

My Interests Anime Conspiracy Theories MMA Motorsports Weightlifting