vrjani2´s Match History

Match History Showing last 10 games

Champion Stats Farm Team Enemy Team Time
Vayne Solo/Duo
Vayne On Main
9/9/7 1.78 KDA 151 4.94 cs/m
30:35 Mar 28, 14:34:41
Volibear Solo/Duo
Volibear On Main
5/13/3 0.62 KDA 207 6.62 cs/m
31:17 Mar 05, 18:46:19
Kassadin Solo/Duo
Kassadin On Main
2/8/1 0.38 KDA 126 4.96 cs/m
25:25 Feb 25, 11:08:10
Dr. Mundo Solo/Duo
Dr. Mundo On Main
7/6/3 1.67 KDA 170 6.30 cs/m
26:58 Feb 24, 14:03:35
Yone Solo/Duo
Yone On Main
10/7/5 2.14 KDA 225 6.71 cs/m
33:31 Jan 28, 20:09:38
Vayne On Main
6/7/2 1.14 KDA 0 0.00 cs/m
18:30 Dec 13, 20:44:05
Ryze On Main
0/7/2 0.29 KDA 0 0.00 cs/m
15:32 Dec 09, 20:36:46
Mordekaiser Solo/Duo
Mordekaiser On Main
6/8/7 1.63 KDA 156 5.72 cs/m
27:17 Dec 02, 21:16:38
Veigar Solo/Duo
Veigar On Main
4/12/7 0.92 KDA 211 5.88 cs/m
35:54 Nov 30, 17:51:04
Lee Sin Solo/Duo
Lee Sin On Main
21/15/11 2.13 KDA 275 4.78 cs/m
57:30 Nov 29, 17:00:00

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About Me

Hi, I'm virtuális jános 4:2 usully im play top and adc i had enough off the solo Q thats why i joined to this community ja és magyar vagyok

Casual Player

My Interests Science