uptilt_´s Match History

Match History Showing last 10 games

Champion Stats Farm Team Enemy Team Time
Yone On Smurf
7/5/2 1.80 KDA 0 0.00 cs/m
24:29 Jun 04, 20:30:38
Yone Solo/Duo
Yone On Smurf
4/13/6 0.77 KDA 206 4.68 cs/m
44:03 Apr 13, 19:08:44
Yone Solo/Duo
Yone On Smurf
0/0/0 Perfect KDA 0 0.00 cs/m
01:45 Apr 13, 18:55:19
Yone Solo/Duo
Yone On Smurf
1/12/1 0.17 KDA 70 3.32 cs/m
21:06 Apr 10, 21:55:20
Yone Draft
Yone On Smurf
12/8/7 2.38 KDA 152 5.07 cs/m
30:00 Apr 10, 00:03:24
Yone Solo/Duo
Yone On Smurf
4/11/9 1.18 KDA 125 4.11 cs/m
30:27 Apr 09, 05:32:01
Yone Draft
Yone On Smurf
4/3/2 2.00 KDA 85 4.98 cs/m
17:05 Apr 09, 05:07:35
Aatrox Draft
Aatrox On Smurf
2/6/3 0.83 KDA 170 5.22 cs/m
32:33 Apr 09, 04:25:57
Yone Solo/Duo
Yone On Smurf
2/10/2 0.40 KDA 125 4.97 cs/m
25:09 Apr 08, 22:23:40
Yone Solo/Duo
Yone On Smurf
17/11/5 2.00 KDA 195 6.06 cs/m
32:11 Apr 08, 21:45:04

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About Me

otp yone BUT learning to play vayne i like the character so a support duo could be nice:). Neon, sage on val open to just make friends not specially to play league xD

Casual Player

My Interests Anime Art Books Cooking Music Pets Writing