Nightguard_DJ´s Match History

Match History Showing last 10 games

Champion Stats Farm Team Enemy Team Time
Sion Solo/Duo
Sion On Main
4/4/4 2.00 KDA 144 6.85 cs/m
21:01 May 05, 13:24:01
Sion Solo/Duo
Sion On Main
4/3/3 2.33 KDA 287 8.27 cs/m
34:41 May 05, 12:40:26
Urgot Solo/Duo
Urgot On Main
5/7/3 1.14 KDA 259 7.30 cs/m
35:28 May 04, 13:32:34
Urgot Solo/Duo
Urgot On Main
0/0/0 Perfect KDA 0 0.00 cs/m
01:51 May 04, 13:24:22
Sion Solo/Duo
Sion On Main
1/3/3 1.33 KDA 167 7.99 cs/m
20:54 May 04, 12:55:33
Illaoi Solo/Duo
Illaoi On Main
6/5/6 2.40 KDA 249 7.02 cs/m
35:28 May 04, 12:03:10
Teemo Solo/Duo
Teemo On Main
4/7/3 1.00 KDA 160 5.70 cs/m
28:05 May 03, 10:26:00
Trundle Solo/Duo
Trundle On Main
5/5/12 3.40 KDA 214 7.08 cs/m
30:13 May 03, 09:47:35
Sion Solo/Duo
Sion On Main
2/4/0 0.50 KDA 166 8.33 cs/m
19:55 May 03, 09:19:56
Volibear Solo/Duo
Volibear On Main
6/13/8 1.08 KDA 300 6.97 cs/m
43:04 May 02, 21:27:36

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About Me

Hi, I'm DJ been playing league on and off since season 8 peak was gold 1 now stuck in elo hell if you wanna play and grind together hit me up

Serious Player

My Interests Anime Movies Music Pets