Mreerd´s Match History

Match History Showing last 10 games

Champion Stats Farm Team Enemy Team Time
Varus Flex
Varus On Main
11/3/6 5.67 KDA 207 8.04 cs/m
25:44 May 05, 13:38:32
Draven Flex
Draven On Main
7/10/15 2.20 KDA 252 6.88 cs/m
36:37 May 05, 12:53:35
Gwen On Main
6/7/7 1.86 KDA 0 0.00 cs/m
23:14 May 05, 11:05:55
Azir On Main
7/6/7 2.33 KDA 0 0.00 cs/m
22:06 May 05, 10:44:45
Elise On Main
3/6/2 0.83 KDA 0 0.00 cs/m
23:01 May 05, 10:27:08
Brand On Main
18/5/1 3.80 KDA 1 0.04 cs/m
24:00 May 05, 10:00:09
Cho'Gath On Main
18/4/9 6.75 KDA 0 0.00 cs/m
20:48 May 05, 09:36:15
Jinx On Main
3/5/2 1.00 KDA 0 0.00 cs/m
21:24 May 05, 09:21:17
Yorick Draft
Yorick On Main
3/4/6 2.25 KDA 212 7.86 cs/m
26:58 May 05, 07:23:10
Draven Draft
Draven On Main
1/0/0 Perfect KDA 26 4.81 cs/m
05:24 May 05, 07:01:31

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About Me

Looking for someone to casually play flex or soloq and chill. If you are willing to learn the game and open to cooperation im down. (Im not a coach or anything but i point it out if i see sth very wrong) Pref looking for a supp mid or jng since im adc and when i play with top laners i feel like we are not even in the same game. And voice chat is a must.

Serious Player

My Interests Anime Conspiracy Theories Movies Music Philosophy Science