mak94´s Match History

Match History Showing last 10 games

Champion Stats Farm Team Enemy Team Time
Tristana Solo/Duo
Tristana On Smurf
2/2/2 2.00 KDA 81 5.18 cs/m
15:38 Jun 06, 17:12:50
Tristana Solo/Duo
Tristana On Smurf
6/7/3 1.29 KDA 170 5.84 cs/m
29:08 May 18, 13:14:33
Malphite On Smurf
9/5/7 3.20 KDA 0 0.00 cs/m
21:56 May 08, 18:51:47
Kayle ARAM
Kayle On Smurf
27/23/48 3.26 KDA 144 4.14 cs/m
34:48 Feb 11, 07:12:34
Caitlyn Solo/Duo
Caitlyn On Smurf
20/10/7 2.70 KDA 197 5.52 cs/m
35:43 Jan 27, 15:17:11
Tristana Solo/Duo
Tristana On Smurf
14/10/3 1.70 KDA 233 6.72 cs/m
34:39 Jan 21, 14:42:59
Tristana Solo/Duo
Tristana On Smurf
17/9/7 2.67 KDA 262 7.09 cs/m
36:58 Jan 21, 10:10:00
Tristana Solo/Duo
Tristana On Smurf
11/7/10 3.00 KDA 226 6.01 cs/m
37:38 Nov 05, 09:16:51
Tristana Solo/Duo
Tristana On Smurf
16/14/6 1.57 KDA 185 5.08 cs/m
36:26 Nov 03, 17:31:44
Tristana Solo/Duo
Tristana On Smurf
6/8/6 1.50 KDA 258 7.28 cs/m
35:25 Oct 31, 18:55:52

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About Me

loooking for a buddy to carry the boats together

Serious Player
Serious Player