Eagleking´s Match History

Match History Showing last 10 games

Champion Stats Farm Team Enemy Team Time
Nasus Solo/Duo
Nasus On Main
7/1/7 14.00 KDA 291 8.55 cs/m
34:02 May 20, 04:39:24
Malzahar Solo/Duo
Malzahar On Main
11/6/22 5.50 KDA 360 7.27 cs/m
49:33 May 11, 10:48:29
Nasus Flex
Nasus On Main
7/3/5 4.00 KDA 193 6.72 cs/m
28:43 Apr 13, 23:22:27
Teemo Solo/Duo
Teemo On Main
10/5/8 3.60 KDA 251 6.53 cs/m
38:26 Apr 13, 11:33:36
Nasus Solo/Duo
Nasus On Main
6/5/2 1.60 KDA 255 7.70 cs/m
33:07 Apr 13, 10:40:12
Malzahar Solo/Duo
Malzahar On Main
4/5/11 3.00 KDA 206 7.51 cs/m
27:25 Apr 12, 01:41:24
Nasus Solo/Duo
Nasus On Main
4/3/7 3.67 KDA 238 6.08 cs/m
39:09 Apr 11, 23:48:32
Nasus Solo/Duo
Nasus On Main
3/6/9 2.00 KDA 223 6.25 cs/m
35:40 Apr 10, 12:01:46
Malzahar Solo/Duo
Malzahar On Main
2/2/1 1.50 KDA 270 8.91 cs/m
30:19 Apr 10, 00:54:00
Nasus Solo/Duo
Nasus On Main
8/11/16 2.18 KDA 301 5.68 cs/m
53:02 Apr 09, 11:15:58

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About Me

hi i am eagleking and i want to play singed top this season , havent played ranked for a while but i need either kindred or kayne jungle main to play duo with or any champ that goes well with singed , we will have fun we either feed or we stomp doesnt matter as long as we have fun or even if we just go ham , only playing for fun
