jay2cray´s Match History

Match History Showing last 10 games

Champion Stats Farm Team Enemy Team Time
Urgot Solo/Duo
Urgot On Main
6/13/2 0.62 KDA 223 6.46 cs/m
34:31 Apr 24, 21:18:41
Brand Solo/Duo
Brand On Main
6/9/3 1.00 KDA 70 2.58 cs/m
27:07 Apr 24, 03:25:10
Urgot Solo/Duo
Urgot On Main
4/11/1 0.45 KDA 86 3.82 cs/m
22:31 Apr 24, 02:53:37
Urgot Solo/Duo
Urgot On Main
12/11/4 1.45 KDA 257 7.37 cs/m
34:52 Apr 24, 02:11:53
Leona Solo/Duo
Leona On Main
3/11/26 2.64 KDA 49 1.21 cs/m
40:34 Apr 22, 19:41:53
Kled On Main
5/7/8 1.86 KDA 17 1.44 cs/m
11:49 Apr 22, 19:02:34
Illaoi ARAM
Illaoi On Main
4/11/17 1.91 KDA 101 3.77 cs/m
26:46 Apr 22, 18:30:48
Xerath ARAM
Xerath On Main
15/9/30 5.00 KDA 64 2.93 cs/m
21:49 Apr 22, 17:58:43
Malphite Flex
Malphite On Main
8/7/7 2.14 KDA 272 6.57 cs/m
41:24 Apr 21, 03:40:40
Garen Flex
Garen On Main
10/7/5 2.14 KDA 187 5.20 cs/m
35:56 Apr 21, 02:57:46

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About Me

Hi, I'm Jay! I Jungle/ADC main. Looking for a duo partner that focuses on winning instead of mistakes.
