nina´s Duo Reviews

DrEaMeR dre4mer76

She kinda carried this game.She simply did what an ADC,in particular lethality MF, should do: Delete everyone from their team.The only mistake I noticed was that she did was following the support in a 2v3 invade to their bluebuff.Still,nice ulti use,also on the wave to save herself from a dive in 2v1. Don't really remember much comm,but it's my fault here since in other games she did;I'll keep the rating neutral on this section

Miss Fortune Game #EUW1_6692206770
17/5/6 KDA | 224 CS | Game Length 36:9

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About Me

fr/eng Hi my names nina I’m lookin for a duo :) I mainly play mid, adc and top. Occasionally supp. I’m chill asf Also I’m not that good at the game I’m bronze 2 so idc of ur rank

Casual Player
Casual Player