Vaggelis_Grv´s Match History

Match History Showing last 10 games

Champion Stats Farm Team Enemy Team Time
Twitch Solo/Duo
Twitch On Main
12/6/18 5.00 KDA 178 5.60 cs/m
31:47 Apr 26, 17:28:53
Kindred Solo/Duo
Kindred On Main
11/4/9 5.00 KDA 174 6.23 cs/m
27:55 Apr 18, 16:25:10
Kindred Solo/Duo
Kindred On Main
16/10/14 3.00 KDA 248 6.31 cs/m
39:18 Apr 18, 15:40:53
Gangplank Solo/Duo
Gangplank On Main
11/7/10 3.00 KDA 226 6.46 cs/m
35:00 Mar 23, 21:16:31
Twitch Solo/Duo
Twitch On Main
5/3/2 2.33 KDA 92 5.72 cs/m
16:05 Mar 01, 12:35:06
Samira Solo/Duo
Samira On Main
21/14/4 1.79 KDA 192 5.36 cs/m
35:49 Feb 15, 18:55:44
Sylas Solo/Duo
Sylas On Main
18/11/16 3.09 KDA 198 5.11 cs/m
38:47 Feb 09, 21:39:29
Gangplank Solo/Duo
Gangplank On Main
1/10/2 0.30 KDA 211 6.55 cs/m
32:12 Nov 29, 21:41:47
Fiora Solo/Duo
Fiora On Main
7/7/6 1.86 KDA 156 4.93 cs/m
31:37 Nov 29, 21:03:05
Gragas Solo/Duo
Gragas On Main
2/5/6 1.60 KDA 203 6.31 cs/m
32:09 Nov 29, 20:24:01

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About Me

Hi im vaggelis gold plat player enjoyable player not toxic looking for match duoq to climb fast before season end im ur guy trust me

Serious Player
Serious Player

My Interests Football Music Writing