cromanyonec´s Match History

Match History Showing last 10 games

Champion Stats Farm Team Enemy Team Time
Lux Solo/Duo
Lux On Main
1/7/10 1.57 KDA 151 5.13 cs/m
29:25 Jan 25, 13:17:07
Annie Solo/Duo
Annie On Main
0/7/2 0.29 KDA 87 5.35 cs/m
16:16 Jan 25, 12:54:08
Lux Solo/Duo
Lux On Main
0/0/0 Perfect KDA 0 0.00 cs/m
02:33 Jan 25, 12:29:12
Evelynn Solo/Duo
Evelynn On Main
11/1/4 15.00 KDA 200 7.58 cs/m
26:23 Jan 21, 12:33:13
Xerath Solo/Duo
Xerath On Main
4/6/5 1.50 KDA 224 6.95 cs/m
32:13 Dec 27, 04:54:10
Vex Solo/Duo
Vex On Main
2/5/3 1.00 KDA 109 5.96 cs/m
18:17 Dec 27, 04:30:53
Viktor Solo/Duo
Viktor On Main
1/5/2 0.60 KDA 96 5.99 cs/m
16:02 Dec 27, 04:05:06
Vladimir Solo/Duo
Vladimir On Main
2/7/5 1.00 KDA 163 6.42 cs/m
25:24 Dec 27, 03:30:27
Malphite Solo/Duo
Malphite On Main
2/8/9 1.38 KDA 119 3.76 cs/m
31:38 Dec 27, 02:48:46
Fiora Solo/Duo
Fiora On Main
1/5/6 1.40 KDA 235 7.00 cs/m
33:33 Dec 27, 02:03:41

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About Me

d4 last split, d4 now, looking for long term duo to hit masta with, op gg looking a bit rough but it's just start of the season thing smile. I'm eve otp so mostly looking for ad solo laners/engage supports, but we can play a few to see how it goes even if you are not one of those.


My Interests Books Programming Writing