StinkyPirate´s Match History

Match History Showing last 10 games

Champion Stats Farm Team Enemy Team Time
Dr. Mundo
Dr. Mundo On Smurf
3/5/6 1.80 KDA 0 0.00 cs/m
20:50 May 31, 21:42:56
Mordekaiser On Smurf
7/9/5 1.33 KDA 0 0.00 cs/m
21:10 May 31, 21:23:08
Gwen Solo/Duo
Gwen On Main
1/7/1 0.29 KDA 205 7.15 cs/m
28:40 May 31, 20:44:05
Gwen Solo/Duo
Gwen On Main
4/3/9 4.33 KDA 236 7.57 cs/m
31:10 May 31, 20:01:49
Gwen Solo/Duo
Gwen On Main
8/10/1 0.90 KDA 139 6.05 cs/m
22:58 May 31, 19:30:41
Gwen Solo/Duo
Gwen On Main
3/10/7 1.00 KDA 137 5.20 cs/m
26:21 May 31, 17:32:08
Gwen Solo/Duo
Gwen On Main
9/5/5 2.80 KDA 235 7.89 cs/m
29:46 May 31, 16:54:59
Gwen Solo/Duo
Gwen On Main
10/4/6 4.00 KDA 328 8.61 cs/m
38:05 May 31, 16:08:42
Draven Solo/Duo
Draven On Main
5/8/9 1.75 KDA 163 5.79 cs/m
28:08 May 31, 15:06:21
Draven Solo/Duo
Draven On Main
17/3/4 7.00 KDA 191 7.60 cs/m
25:07 May 31, 14:35:39

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About Me

Hi, I'm 21M master peak. I spend almost all time between university and work on league. I play mostly top but can flex to other roles. Never ff mentality.
