Soft´s Match History

Match History Showing last 10 games

Champion Stats Farm Team Enemy Team Time
Camille Solo/Duo
Camille On Smurf
13/13/2 1.15 KDA 212 6.35 cs/m
33:22 Jun 02, 12:29:12
Volibear Solo/Duo
Volibear On Smurf
7/10/3 1.00 KDA 191 6.60 cs/m
28:56 Jun 02, 11:48:59
Jax Solo/Duo
Jax On Smurf
3/9/1 0.44 KDA 160 6.15 cs/m
26:00 May 24, 19:53:21
Tryndamere Solo/Duo
Tryndamere On Smurf
20/8/6 3.25 KDA 225 7.60 cs/m
29:37 May 24, 19:16:11
Jax Solo/Duo
Jax On Smurf
22/10/5 2.70 KDA 302 6.68 cs/m
45:12 May 24, 18:24:40
Nasus Solo/Duo
Nasus On Smurf
6/5/3 1.80 KDA 195 7.12 cs/m
27:24 May 24, 04:43:19
Kayle Solo/Duo
Kayle On Smurf
6/10/3 0.90 KDA 172 7.01 cs/m
24:33 May 24, 04:12:39
Trundle Solo/Duo
Trundle On Smurf
4/16/3 0.44 KDA 225 6.27 cs/m
35:54 May 23, 19:26:47
Hecarim Solo/Duo
Hecarim On Smurf
14/9/10 2.67 KDA 261 7.24 cs/m
36:04 May 23, 17:58:52
Urgot Solo/Duo
Urgot On Smurf
4/6/2 1.00 KDA 149 7.29 cs/m
20:27 May 21, 17:38:38

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About Me

Hi im a brazillian league player looking for someone to play in na/euw server (my ping is a bit high in these servers but i managed to get d1 in na)

Serious Player

My Interests Anime Music