Sexy Lawyer´s Match History

Match History Showing last 10 games

Champion Stats Farm Team Enemy Team Time
Malzahar ARAM
Malzahar On Main
12/7/35 6.71 KDA 81 4.17 cs/m
19:26 Jun 09, 19:08:14
Fizz On Main
11/9/16 3.00 KDA 48 2.68 cs/m
17:56 Jun 08, 20:42:10
Galio ARAM
Galio On Main
5/15/21 1.73 KDA 39 1.81 cs/m
21:36 Jun 08, 19:54:11
Tristana Draft
Tristana On Main
7/10/4 1.10 KDA 156 6.14 cs/m
25:25 Jun 08, 19:24:25
Samira Draft
Samira On Main
2/10/1 0.30 KDA 177 6.90 cs/m
25:40 Jun 08, 18:31:46
Brand Draft
Brand On Main
8/7/3 1.57 KDA 154 5.38 cs/m
28:37 Jun 08, 17:53:32
Ziggs Draft
Ziggs On Main
12/12/7 1.58 KDA 240 6.33 cs/m
37:55 Jun 08, 16:24:28
Rumble ARAM
Rumble On Main
25/21/26 2.43 KDA 74 2.54 cs/m
29:06 Jun 07, 22:21:13
Lissandra Draft
Lissandra On Main
11/6/11 3.67 KDA 238 7.88 cs/m
30:13 Jun 07, 14:07:27
Nautilus ARAM
Nautilus On Main
1/16/18 1.19 KDA 4 0.27 cs/m
14:40 Jun 06, 20:56:48

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About Me

I'm a seasoned high elo player, yet I prefer to keep my main account discreet. Nevertheless, I possess several alternate accounts and relish the opportunity to engage in lower elo matches for sheer enjoyment. Should you desire, I could also impart some advanced strategies to enhance your gameplay experience or offer insights on mastering specific champions. Do you just want to play for fun and nothing more? Still cool :)

Casual Player

My Interests Cooking MMA Movies Music Sports Travel Weightlifting