Oink´s Match History

Match History Showing last 10 games

Champion Stats Farm Team Enemy Team Time
Nami Solo/Duo
Nami On Smurf
1/5/2 0.60 KDA 20 0.96 cs/m
20:49 May 28, 15:53:04
Lux Solo/Duo
Lux On Smurf
3/7/4 1.00 KDA 151 5.66 cs/m
26:42 May 28, 15:16:09
Lux Solo/Duo
Lux On Smurf
2/8/12 1.75 KDA 89 2.75 cs/m
32:20 May 16, 04:07:01
Lux Solo/Duo
Lux On Smurf
4/6/4 1.33 KDA 82 2.91 cs/m
28:12 May 16, 03:32:30
Zyra Solo/Duo
Zyra On Smurf
3/6/14 2.83 KDA 61 2.02 cs/m
30:09 May 14, 15:36:41
Karma Solo/Duo
Karma On Smurf
1/4/13 3.50 KDA 60 1.96 cs/m
30:37 May 03, 20:25:00
Karma Solo/Duo
Karma On Smurf
2/7/5 1.00 KDA 41 1.91 cs/m
21:28 May 03, 14:06:12
Karma Solo/Duo
Karma On Smurf
0/0/11 Perfect KDA 46 1.93 cs/m
23:52 May 03, 13:31:07
Nami Solo/Duo
Nami On Smurf
0/10/11 1.10 KDA 33 1.14 cs/m
29:01 Apr 15, 05:43:12
Zyra Solo/Duo
Zyra On Smurf
0/11/10 0.91 KDA 52 1.83 cs/m
28:27 Apr 15, 05:08:40

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About Me

Hi, I'm oink! I play sup, adc, jg, mid, usually never top im scared i play soloQ and Flex I also love Double UP! I'm shy but I can talk. Just add me (: Oh and let me know who u are where u added me okay!

Casual Player

My Interests Art