Guangli´s Match History

Match History Showing last 10 games

Champion Stats Farm Team Enemy Team Time
Garen Solo/Duo
Garen On Main
7/6/2 1.50 KDA 264 7.96 cs/m
33:09 Mar 26, 19:14:02
Sett Solo/Duo
Sett On Main
1/11/6 0.64 KDA 178 5.95 cs/m
29:55 Jan 15, 19:32:33
Malphite Flex
Malphite On Main
5/1/1 6.00 KDA 119 7.78 cs/m
15:18 Dec 16, 00:12:57
Nasus Flex
Nasus On Main
9/4/10 4.75 KDA 244 6.44 cs/m
37:52 Dec 15, 23:26:29
Sett Flex
Sett On Main
6/7/9 2.14 KDA 209 5.42 cs/m
38:33 Dec 15, 22:29:48
Nocturne Flex
Nocturne On Main
12/4/9 5.25 KDA 270 8.05 cs/m
33:32 Dec 15, 21:23:31
Miss Fortune Flex
Miss Fortune On Main
1/8/1 0.25 KDA 123 5.56 cs/m
22:07 Dec 15, 20:06:36
Udyr On Main
16/20/38 2.70 KDA 57 1.97 cs/m
28:53 Dec 14, 19:25:54
Jarvan IV ARAM
Jarvan IV On Main
13/25/37 2.00 KDA 40 1.53 cs/m
26:10 Dec 14, 18:55:06
Ornn On Main
3/6/10 2.17 KDA 0 0.00 cs/m
17:36 Dec 09, 20:56:04

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About Me

Hello fellow players I am Denis and i like playing league and i would love to have players to enjoy the game with.

Serious Player

My Interests Anime Books Conspiracy Theories Movies Writing