Grid0da´s Match History

Match History Showing last 10 games

Champion Stats Farm Team Enemy Team Time
Thresh Draft
Thresh On Main
3/2/9 6.00 KDA 31 1.26 cs/m
24:31 Dec 11, 20:06:40
Fiora ARAM
Fiora On Main
12/9/24 4.00 KDA 29 1.77 cs/m
16:23 Nov 19, 20:44:44
Mordekaiser ARAM
Mordekaiser On Main
27/10/27 5.40 KDA 34 1.76 cs/m
19:18 Nov 19, 19:20:46
Sett On Main
9/11/41 4.55 KDA 49 2.38 cs/m
20:35 Nov 18, 19:29:53
Brand ARAM
Brand On Main
14/11/27 3.73 KDA 36 2.34 cs/m
15:25 Nov 17, 20:42:23
Galio Draft
Galio On Main
1/6/5 1.00 KDA 21 1.25 cs/m
16:52 Nov 17, 20:20:21
Rakan Draft
Rakan On Main
2/7/4 0.86 KDA 54 1.88 cs/m
28:39 Nov 17, 19:25:06
Alistar Draft
Alistar On Main
4/3/22 8.67 KDA 55 1.57 cs/m
34:57 Nov 16, 19:33:53
Rakan Draft
Rakan On Main
0/1/1 1.00 KDA 5 1.06 cs/m
04:42 Nov 16, 19:22:58
Lux On Main
8/4/28 9.00 KDA 33 2.75 cs/m
11:59 Nov 16, 18:28:22

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About Me

Hello ! I'm a main top, main Gwen at most. Trying lots of champs, don't rly know which one to pick atm. I'm a nice guy, even tho I can sometimes tilt on myself lol. If you search *****ly to work with and progress with, don't hesitate and come at me ! Bonjour ! Je suis main top, main Gwen en ce moment. Je teste beaucoup de champions, je ne sais pas encore sur lequel rester. Je suis une bonne personne, même s'il m'arrive de tilt sur moi-même mdr. Si tu cherches un allié avec lequel jouer et t'améliorer, n'hésite pas à venir me voir !

Serious Player
Serious Player

My Interests Music Science