Deathreception´s Duo Reviews

He his really kind and up for any funny things. All i can say is go play with him and gl if a angry barbarian apear XD

Lucian Game #EUW1_6919688423
11/2/5 KDA | 189 CS | Game Length 25:4

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About Me

Im a league veteran, having played since 2014 im at the point where i want to see just how far i can get in ranked. The role i play (ADC) is not easy in soloq. Its hard to see what i could or could not have done better in this role since it revolves around your team's skill/knowledge. Im here in hopes of finding someone to climb with so that it makes that aspect a little easier. Good communication and transparency is what i ask. I have 1mil points on Yasuo across 2 accounts and ive spent 8/10 years of my time on league playing assassins and mechanical champions in league which has made adc a perfect role for me. i can play any marksman but wish i could have the synergy with my support or duo. I play very seriously but my mindstate is very casual and chill. i like making jokes during my games with teammates just so everyone can have fun even if we lose. I main Lucian,Jhin and Kai'sa as my preferred adc's.

Tryhard Player
Serious Player

My Interests Anime MMA Movies Music