DaRealOne1´s Match History

Match History Showing last 10 games

Champion Stats Farm Team Enemy Team Time
Draven Solo/Duo
Draven On Smurf
16/2/4 10.00 KDA 242 10.03 cs/m
24:08 Jun 01, 12:10:50
Draven Draft
Draven On Smurf
11/19/8 1.00 KDA 145 4.62 cs/m
31:22 May 15, 18:20:14
Draven Draft
Draven On Smurf
8/10/7 1.50 KDA 147 5.96 cs/m
24:41 May 15, 16:45:49
Kai'Sa Draft
Kai'Sa On Smurf
24/18/7 1.72 KDA 240 6.45 cs/m
37:12 May 15, 16:03:30
Varus ARAM
Varus On Smurf
27/10/21 4.80 KDA 43 2.27 cs/m
18:55 May 03, 23:16:23
Camille Solo/Duo
Camille On Smurf
0/11/0 0.00 KDA 82 4.16 cs/m
19:43 Apr 05, 19:32:40
Camille Solo/Duo
Camille On Smurf
15/8/7 2.75 KDA 256 7.80 cs/m
32:50 Apr 05, 18:49:15
Draven Solo/Duo
Draven On Smurf
0/0/0 Perfect KDA 0 0.00 cs/m
01:48 Apr 05, 16:58:06
Camille Solo/Duo
Camille On Smurf
0/0/0 Perfect KDA 1 0.56 cs/m
01:47 Apr 01, 18:36:28
Camille Solo/Duo
Camille On Smurf
6/7/11 2.43 KDA 179 6.02 cs/m
29:44 Apr 01, 17:58:17

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About Me

Hi, I'm Tommy. I primarily play ADC but am also comfortable playing mid when needed. My playstyle is aggressive, and I tend to Limit test a lot. Seeking a support main to play league with, or other games if we are feeling it. Chao


My Interests Business Cooking Music Weightlifting