Choda´s Match History

Match History Showing last 10 games

Champion Stats Farm Team Enemy Team Time
Warwick Solo/Duo
Warwick On Smurf
5/13/6 0.85 KDA 78 2.63 cs/m
29:37 Feb 23, 10:53:27
Maokai Solo/Duo
Maokai On Smurf
3/10/9 1.20 KDA 46 1.20 cs/m
38:27 Dec 02, 00:14:14
Maokai Solo/Duo
Maokai On Smurf
3/5/19 4.40 KDA 34 1.05 cs/m
32:28 Dec 01, 23:11:31
Tahm Kench Solo/Duo
Tahm Kench On Smurf
12/8/7 2.38 KDA 208 5.19 cs/m
40:05 Dec 01, 22:13:48
Sion Solo/Duo
Sion On Smurf
1/7/2 0.43 KDA 107 4.62 cs/m
23:11 Dec 01, 21:32:44
Caitlyn Solo/Duo
Caitlyn On Smurf
0/0/0 Perfect KDA 8 1.69 cs/m
04:44 Dec 01, 11:56:16
Volibear Solo/Duo
Volibear On Smurf
18/6/2 3.33 KDA 196 7.99 cs/m
24:31 Nov 30, 21:44:14
Irelia Solo/Duo
Irelia On Smurf
3/12/4 0.58 KDA 293 7.78 cs/m
37:39 Nov 29, 17:05:34
Master Yi Solo/Duo
Master Yi On Smurf
25/11/5 2.73 KDA 112 3.56 cs/m
31:30 Nov 29, 16:07:25
Jax Solo/Duo
Jax On Smurf
6/5/2 1.60 KDA 146 5.67 cs/m
25:45 Nov 29, 15:28:45

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About Me

Nothing much, trying to escape hell elo, and become a better player. I actually have a well developed life so LoL isn't what I only do all day long. I have a social and love status, still maintaining other things like my Muay Thai career, job...etc My real name is Danilo, and I am from Balkan, I am 20 years old. Instagram: @Choda122

Serious Player

My Interests MMA Movies Music Sports