Botiusz´s Match History

Match History Showing last 10 games

Champion Stats Farm Team Enemy Team Time
Darius Draft
Darius On Main
5/7/1 0.86 KDA 153 6.50 cs/m
23:33 Mar 02, 11:32:58
Orianna Draft
Orianna On Main
6/5/2 1.60 KDA 99 4.73 cs/m
20:55 Mar 01, 16:14:21
Rumble Draft
Rumble On Main
1/10/2 0.30 KDA 132 4.89 cs/m
27:00 Feb 24, 09:38:41
Viktor ARAM
Viktor On Main
9/13/17 2.00 KDA 32 1.58 cs/m
20:14 Feb 04, 20:22:49
Nasus Draft
Nasus On Main
8/8/6 1.75 KDA 235 5.55 cs/m
42:22 Feb 04, 19:37:52
Xerath ARAM
Xerath On Main
7/6/9 2.67 KDA 47 3.06 cs/m
15:21 Feb 04, 19:08:00
Karma Draft
Karma On Main
5/10/11 1.60 KDA 42 1.24 cs/m
33:47 Feb 04, 10:57:43
Kai'Sa Draft
Kai'Sa On Main
8/8/10 2.25 KDA 240 6.55 cs/m
36:37 Feb 04, 10:11:10
Kalista Draft
Kalista On Main
5/4/4 2.25 KDA 115 5.36 cs/m
21:28 Feb 04, 09:41:36
Smolder Draft
Smolder On Main
9/8/3 1.50 KDA 284 7.30 cs/m
38:54 Feb 04, 08:55:51

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About Me

Hey! I'm Botond. I'm 19 years old and I have an average life, except that I fell in love with depression (and cats). I'm kind of mentally ill, I love meeting new people, making friends, and of course playing League. I hope I've piqued your interest! :3

Casual Player

My Interests Anime Music Pets