Bardo´s Match History

Match History Showing last 10 games

Champion Stats Farm Team Enemy Team Time
Twisted Fate Solo/Duo
Twisted Fate On Smurf
1/15/4 0.33 KDA 134 4.60 cs/m
29:06 Jun 11, 23:09:37
Viktor Solo/Duo
Viktor On Smurf
8/12/8 1.33 KDA 212 5.97 cs/m
35:29 Jun 11, 22:23:29
Illaoi Solo/Duo
Illaoi On Smurf
6/10/3 0.90 KDA 268 7.60 cs/m
35:17 Jun 11, 21:15:37
Illaoi Solo/Duo
Illaoi On Smurf
15/12/10 2.08 KDA 254 7.09 cs/m
35:51 Jun 11, 20:30:52
Fiora Solo/Duo
Fiora On Smurf
5/9/3 0.89 KDA 265 7.24 cs/m
36:37 Jun 11, 19:42:46
Vladimir Solo/Duo
Vladimir On Smurf
4/8/1 0.63 KDA 207 7.60 cs/m
27:14 Jun 11, 19:08:33
Vayne Solo/Duo
Vayne On Smurf
7/8/7 1.75 KDA 206 6.40 cs/m
32:11 Jun 11, 18:28:10
Gragas ARAM
Gragas On Smurf
17/15/22 2.60 KDA 63 2.47 cs/m
25:33 Jun 11, 17:46:47
Vex On Smurf
8/11/23 2.82 KDA 21 1.10 cs/m
19:09 Jun 10, 22:38:25
Warwick ARAM
Warwick On Smurf
11/13/16 2.08 KDA 44 2.88 cs/m
15:16 Jun 10, 22:14:19

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About Me

I'm Bardo I can play all roles (except adc). I can duo with any role but prefer jungle. This is my euw for fun acc. Would play with any rank as long as we can que.

Casual Player

My Interests Anime