Azrael´s Match History

Match History Showing last 10 games

Champion Stats Farm Team Enemy Team Time
Jax Solo/Duo
Jax On Main
9/7/10 2.71 KDA 124 4.67 cs/m
26:33 Jan 21, 12:08:57
Nunu & Willump Solo/Duo
Nunu & Willump On Main
5/12/10 1.25 KDA 95 3.43 cs/m
27:42 Oct 31, 14:33:38
Akali Solo/Duo
Akali On Main
3/5/1 0.80 KDA 158 6.12 cs/m
25:48 Oct 29, 17:34:18
Gwen Solo/Duo
Gwen On Main
12/9/8 2.22 KDA 192 6.00 cs/m
31:59 Oct 29, 16:52:47
Sion Solo/Duo
Sion On Main
8/12/9 1.42 KDA 213 6.21 cs/m
34:17 Oct 29, 16:10:25
Yasuo Solo/Duo
Yasuo On Main
2/13/9 0.85 KDA 234 6.12 cs/m
38:15 Oct 29, 13:53:28
Nunu & Willump Solo/Duo
Nunu & Willump On Main
5/18/8 0.72 KDA 97 3.22 cs/m
30:07 Oct 29, 12:24:26
Quinn Solo/Duo
Quinn On Main
9/6/10 3.17 KDA 223 6.95 cs/m
32:06 Oct 29, 11:25:08
Darius ARAM
Darius On Main
10/8/11 2.63 KDA 34 3.26 cs/m
10:26 Oct 28, 20:53:18
Yorick ARAM
Yorick On Main
4/9/10 1.56 KDA 38 2.85 cs/m
13:21 Oct 28, 20:37:25

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About Me

About me: Silver 3 Tryhard, playing Top Mid or Jungle depending on the mood, playing this game actively since 3 years, wanna get out of silver as soon as possible. Looking for a Duo Partner that listen to calls does have also a lot of gamesense and has the same goal as me.

Tryhard Player
Tryhard Player

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